I've been going about my merry business, traveling with my dad, filling in shifts at the YMCA, and visiting with all my sweet friends who have returned home from the ends of the earth for the summer.
BUT THEN, like they often do, things changed.
I went to a YMCA staff meeting, and some very nice people got up in front of us and started talking about "Camp Watia". (Pronounced Wah-TIE-ya.) This is a brand new camp, still partially under construction, even. But a beautiful, serene looking place in the mountains.

I felt a little spark of possibility. I'd only just given up on the idea of summer camp, after having to cancel my Lutheridge contract so close to the start of camp season... and while I was completely at peace with that decision, as soon as I started reading more about the atmosphere of Camp Watia, I knew I would apply. I just knew it.
And so, I did! I didn't apply through the application, because I was too excited to sit there answering questions about my CPR certification. I emailed the director, poured my heart out about my situation with Lutheridge, and two days later I had a phone interview with the program director!
It took a few days of careful thought and prayer before I decided to take the job, as it IS scary to just abandon my life at home and run away to a camp that doesn't even have a facebook page yet (*EDIT* They do have a facebook page, I just discovered! Check it out!)! I have NO idea what my summer will be like at Watia! But I do know that I'm thrilled to bits to be part of this camp's very first summer. It's special. 50 years from now, when the camp celebrates its semicentennial, I'll be able to say I was one of those inaugural counselors.
I leave in TEN DAYS for these beautiful mountains. I truly feel this opportunity is a gift from God. Now all the doubts, nervousness, and anxiety that I had over returning to Lutheridge makes sense! Maybe THIS was the plan all along. When I finally let go of Lutheridge, finally resigned myself to that loss... this fell into my lap. And I couldn't be happier.
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