JB, the baby, was only 14 months old when I started going to his house each week. Now he's going to be FIVE! I was there when he started pre-school two years ago, and I'll be there when he starts kindergarten this fall. The boys have crossed so many milestones since I met them. I've watched C, the middle child, wrestle with the tragic death of one of his classmates. T, the oldest, has cried on my shoulder about the unfortunate social hierarchy of the fourth grade and how hard it is to have a developmental difference in a school setting.
These kids are mine in a unique way. Having the privilege of being there to protect and nurture them in the absence of their parents means more than the boys know. They think I'm there to turn on the oven and get things off the high shelves. Little do they know I'm a part of their development, socially, emotionally, and even spiritually, as we talk about minor AND major things multiple times a week.
I've spent more time with these kids than I do many of my friends... and honestly, the time we spend together is so high quality, since they demand that I run around and have fun with them, even if I'm grumpy and anti-social. They definitely bring out the best in me, and despite the bruises, split lips, and brutal honesty ("you have a poochy belly like mommy") that I've received from them, I love them to pieces and am honored to be a part of their lives! Family trees don't have a spot for "babysitter" but they most definitely should.

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