Monday, November 7, 2016

I Can Survive a Bad Week, Canoe? (HAAAAAAA)

Well guys,

LIFE GOT CRAZY FOR A WHILE THERE. Last week was a low point. *laughs nervously*

Some changes were made in my life, changes that have been a long time coming and were so nervewracking they sent me into an emotional frenzy that hijacked any chance of having a normal week despite the chaos.

But I would like to point out that despite the fact that last week I spent three hours in crisis counseling, slept a night in my car, and burst into tears in my accounting class...

I'm still smiling. (Except when I'm not.)

Crisis mode can actually carry us. I picture myself in a little canoe in the middle of dark, frenzied ocean. During crisis mode, I don't even try to paddle anywhere. I hang tight, maybe curl up in the fetal position, and wait it out.

It was a rough storm, and I'm relieved it's over because being stuck in a canoe in the middle of the ocean sucks (what is Sarah talking about??).

But now the gusts have settled, and the water is still. It's time to move this little boat. And that's gonna be work. Because that storm moved me off track. And this damn paddle isn't very good. But, we're moving, rolling, rolling on the riiiiiivvvvEEEeeeeerrrrr.



HERE WE GO! Onward, back into normalcy, back into calm quiet days spent working towards the important things (school, friends, not-getting-fired...).

I'll see ya guys on the other side. *starts paddling fervently*

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