I just wanted to take a second to congratulate us all for getting to this amazing milestone. *dabs tissue in corner of eye*
Somehow, between the yet-unknown-number-of-you and myself, we've brought this little Blahg up to 100 posts and over 10,000 hits since I started it in January!
While I've been posting less material over the summer because of limited access to things like wifi and, oh - TIME - I've still appreciated every read, comment, and share that I've gotten from you all out there. *stares into the void that is the internet*
I've learned throughout this little endeavor that people care about what I have to say. People care about me. That's quite a realization, one that has made my life better in many small ways.
Thank you for letting me speak, scream, heal, and laugh-out-loud here on this seemingly useless web page. It's been so much fun!
And it seems fitting this milestone hits me at this time of the year, as it's a turning point for me personally. Looming up ahead is a brand new school year, new jobs, new people, and even a few international traveling plans. ;)
But pshhh, none of those things matter now that I've got this achievement. I can fail all my classes while resting comfortably in the knowledge that hey, at least I wrote 100 things on the internet.
Thank you!
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