Monday, August 15, 2016


I'm suffering from some really real writer's block. I know I say that a lot, but for real, I've started four or five blog posts that I've ended up chucking after a paragraph or two. I'm not even sure if the problem is that I've got "nothing to say" - it may just be that I have TOO MUCH to write about! My mind is brimming with memories of camp, thoughts on my personal development, plans for the future, hopes and fears and dreams and changes...

How am I supposed to narrow it down and give you something coherent and understandable!?

So, naturally, I'm just going to do what I always do - type in a title, and then start writing about that thing in this very text box. *clears throat* Here we go.

Good morning class, today I've chosen


As our topic!

Many of you know I went to Florida, but NOT many of you know just what I did there. *smug smile*

But really guys it rained every day we were there. I went to the beach approximately TWO times, one of which was at 11 PM at night (does it even count as "the beach" if it's dark and raining?! Yeah I thought not). But you know what... it doesn't matter what I did. It was the people I was with that made the trip fun. I WENT WITH MY FRIENDS! *bats eyelashes*

My wonderful, my amazing, my OH-SO-AWESOME friend Kat offered to host us all at her house in Tampa. Now, Kat and I go waaaay back. Back to June, actually, where she was the first person I met upon stepping foot onto Camp Watia's virgin soil. Kat was a sweetheart from the start, and while I saw her daily at the waterfront where she lifeguarded, we didn't truly connect on a deeper level until the last few weeks of camp, where we became fast friends and spent many a night on the porches of our cabins, complaining talking together.

So, the end of camp came - *emotional montage of crying counselors, kids packing their stuff, lots of candles, blah-de-blah* - AND WE WERE ALL OFF TO FLORIDA!

I myself loaded up a car full of counselors and luggage, and we braved the ten hour drive while the rest flew. The drive was EASY! I was amazed. With some podcasts, snacks, and really fun people, the trip felt easier than driving to work in the morning (almost).

Immediately upon arrival several of us took a speedy tour of Kat's house and then dove into her gorgeous pool! It was the beginning of a beautiful week. Throughout our six days there, I experienced many wonderful things - shopping malls... greek restaurants... even DISNEYWORLD!

The week was, all at once, a whirlwind of fun, and also a slow death of our summer. Each day I became aware that like each week we had at Watia, the days get progressively faster throughout the week. The closer you get to people, the closer you get to saying goodbye to them.

*thoughtful moment*



The drive back from Tampa was as easy as the ride down, albeit a bit more sober without my sweet friends. I'm now safely settled back at home, planning all kinds of things for the school year - jobs, classes, personal endeavors. You know. The usual.

And that brings us to the end of this post, which makes in retrospect about as little sense as I expected it to. Bear with me as I throw myself back into this strange and modern craft of spilling my brains out onto the internet.

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