Monday, April 11, 2016

Capsule Wardrobe Part 1: Getting Started

Let me just say - I've never been "super into" clothes. I've always enjoyed finding cute stuff that makes me feel like a hottie, but I've never really followed trends or had a certain fetish for any kind of clothing (hats, shoes, etc). So I never really thought of myself as having a "clothes problem".


What I DO have is an uncanny ability to hold onto clothing for years, and I'm quickly approaching the age where I can even say decades.

I... may.... be a bit... of a hoarder. And while every few months I think "WOW! I have too many clothes!" and do a major clear-out, the hefty pile I get rid of always seems to come back rearing a reincarnated head in new Target bags filled with stuff that's "cute" and "on sale".


The only adjectives that will do, I have decided, are: "classy" "staple item" and "needed for my new capsule wardrobe project"!

For those of you who read my blog and don't know what a capsule wardrobe is, it's a rough guide to having a very basic, pared down closet, with LESS items, but all pieces that work well together and are very wearable and suited to your lifestyle. Really, there's no reason I need more than 8 or 9 outfits - after all, I have a washer and dryer 30 feet away from me as I speak, and really - what am I doing in my life that requires 18 tank tops, 21 tees, 34 different colored cardigans, and 6 dozen different kinds of patterned socks? I need LESS items, but items that work together EASILY!

While I love clothes, and have many cute pieces, I end up wearing the same thing most days! I'm so overwhelmed by the amount of items in my closet that I usually don't even TRY to put together cute, classy outfits. This project of transitioning to a classy, simple, practical closet is one of ways I'm trying to get my act together this year - and I'm hoping that writing about the process on my blog will give me some accountability to follow through!

Here are some before pictures of my closet as I started pulling everything out. In my next post on this topic I'll hopefully share the details of how I sorted everything! That is... IF I get everything sorted! Because right now I'm very overwhelmed. *stares at the piles of clothes on the floor and cries*

I know... it's a wreck. I've got clothes from middle school in there. NO! IT MUST END!

I felt like I was slowly being eaten by a giant clothing monster... *shudder*

Ahhh! A clean canvas for part 2! Stay tuned to see how many tears I cry throughout this process.

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