Monday, January 4, 2016


1. Hypocrisy hurts the hypocrite more than anyone else.

2. Sometimes forward motion can be backward motion, and vice versa. You don't know until you get to where you were going and you look back at how you got there. (Does that make sense?)

3. Just get your stupid undergrad in something or other and then start your "plan" from there.

4. Look at the people around you and decide who is going to be there for you when you inevitably mess up (HINT: it's probably your parents) and DON'T LOSE THEM!

5. Don't ask for "a second opinion" and "advice" when you juuussstttt want affirmation for your probably really bad choices. That's wimpy. (Own your iffy choices, or don't make them!)

6. C's get degrees, but A's get you free stuff. (Mugs, t-shirts, *GRAD SCHOOL* etc.)

7. Consequences happen so we don't do the bad things again. Embrace them. Feel them searing your moral compass into submission. (For real though.) You tried to put on mascara while driving and now have a unibrow? YOU FAILED DON'T DO IT AGAIN. Thought you'd hide cash in your underwear drawer and then forgot it when you moved out? YOU FAILED DON'T DO IT AGAIN. Decided to live on fried fish exclusively for two months and gained 10 pounds? GAH WHY SARAH WHY. Consequences are very enlightening on the quality of your life choices and should propel you away from stupidity.

So yes. There's some things I learned this year. It was a hard year in Sarah Town, but here we are, all the stronger, wiser, and more jaded better for it. Here's to another of year of messing some things up, getting some things right, and probably not knowing which is which about 2/3 of the time.

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